ATC/AAFC Branch - Winter 2017

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We open this report with our Branch’s heartiest congratulations to two of our members who were recognised for their community service work this year:

  1. Don Bergman OAM was recognised for his conspicuous community service over many years.
  2. Jan Williams (wife of member Doug Williams) who was nominated as a “Local Hero” for her community work at the Australia Day function up at Baddaginnie in country Victoria.

Several of our members made the trip to Benalla on the 25th of March for the Dedication of the Australian Flying Corps Memorial which is situated in the Rose Garden area.

Key Note speaker was AFA President Carl Schiller who addressed the gathering with the well informed beginnings of the AFC and its subsequent history in Service during WW1.

Following the Service we retired to the Benalla RSL where the ladies had prepared a nice light afternoon tea.

Congratulations to our member Doug Williams who organised the design and construction of the memorial and the Service. It must have been gratifying for him to finally see all of his hard work come to fruition after it being such a lengthy project.

The memorial is well worth a visit for anyone who may be passing by the Benalla Gardens at some time in their future travels.

Our Branch’s AGM. was held on the 22nd of April and there were no real surprises when it came to the Election of Office Bearers for 2017-2018. There were only single nominations for each of the positions open and we thank Graeme Smith, our appointed Returning Officer for his assistance in receiving the nominations which are as follows:-

  • President: Laurie Bell
  • Vice President: Peter Wilson
  • Secretary: Hugh Tank
  • Treasurer: Tony Synhur
  • Delegate: John MacDonald
  • AAFC Branch Liaison Officer: WGCDR (AAFC) Shaun Young

Appointed Positions

  • Welfare Officers: Hugh Tank & Peter Wilson
  • Newsletter Editor/Producer: Ian Cohn
  • Archives: Laurie Bell
  • Returning Officer: Graeme Smith

I was both surprised and pleased to receive, on behalf of the Branch, the Fred Cowell Trophy for 2017 at the Air Force Association’s AGM and State Conference held on the 11th of May.

The trophy was presented by Fred’s daughter, Frances Lester who, when asked later in the day, supplied me
with the following brief on her father’s Air Force career:- FLTLT Fred (Alfred) M. Cowell joined the RAF in the UK and served in Palestine and Egypt before coming to Australia in the early 1920s and afterwards joining the RAAF as a carpenter / motor body builder.

The 4 Wing Australian Air Force Cadets’ Annual Drill Parade was held at Point Cook’s Memorial Parade
Ground on Sunday the 21st of March.

The Reviewing Officer was AFA Victoria President, GPCAPT Carl Schiller OAM CSM Retd.

Congratulations to WGCDR (AAFC) Shaun Young, OC of 4WG, his staff and all of the cadets on a parade of
which they can be justifiably proud.

Results and awards are as follows:-

Congratulations to the following Cadets, Staff and SQN Teams 1st Drill competition 401SQN Surrey Hills. 2nd Drill competition 402SQN Watsonia.

  • Best Cadet in charge of a drill team CCPL EloiseLee 401SQN Surrey Hills.
  • Most Proficient Cadet in Aerial Activities LCDT Trent Bucker 405SQN Sunshine.
  • 4 Wing Cadet of the Year 2017 is CWOFF Sam Chu 401SQN Surrey Hills.
  • Most Efficient Squadron in Cadet Activities 405SQN Sunshine.
  • 1st Aviation – 401SQN Surrey Hills.
  • 2nd Aviation – 406SQN Frankston.
  • 1st Fieldcraft – 415SQN South Yarra.
  • 2nd Fieldcraft – 403SQN Beaconsfield.
  • CCPL Nathan Martina 430 SQN Kyneton was awarded his Cadet Pilot Wings having qualified for his Recreational Pilots Licence.
  • CUO Dale Perkins 429 SQN Queenscliff was awarded his Cadet Pilot Wings having qualified as a "C" Certificate Glider Pilot.

The following cadets who have achieved first solo either in Powered or Glider flying received their First Solo

  • CSGT Brett McBain 402 SQN Watsonia
  • CFSGT Jamie Lowden 403 SQN Beaconsfield
  • CCPL Edward Healy 403 SQN Beaconsfield
  • LCDT Trent Buckner 405 SQN Sunshine
  • CSGT Kyle Du Plessis 406 SQN Frankston
  • LCDT Laura Roberts 412 SQN Albury
  • CWOFF Simon Dale 425 SQN Ballarat

Australian Honours and Awards - Staff

  • The 2nd Clasp to the Australian Cadet Forces Service Medal for 25 years dedicated service was presented to FLTLT (AAFC) Danny Salmon OAM from 412SQN and HQ 4WG.
  • The Australian Cadet Forces Service Medal for 15 years dedicated service was presented to FLTLT (AAFC) Luke Meilak the Flight Commander of 4 Logistics Flight.
  • The Australian Cadet Forces Service Medal for 15 years dedicated service was presented to FSGT (AAFC) Viatcheslav (Vlad) Boiko from 404 SQN Point Cook.
  • The Air Commodore A. J. Pappin CVO AM - 4 Wing AAFC Patrons Award for selflessness and sustained effort to the benefit of our cadets was presented to; SQNLDR (AAFC) John Gibbs HQ 4 Wing; and FLTLT (AAFC) Danny Salmon OAM HQ 4 Wing and 412SQN.
  • Officer Commanding Commendation to FLGOFF (AAFC) Sarah Gulam – 407/ 416SQN.

Regards to all members until next time,

Laurie Bell

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