Commemorative Medallion for Vietnam Veterans

The Prime Minister and Minister for Veterans’ Affairs launched a commemorative medallion to honour those who served in the Vietnam War.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese also apologised to Vietnam veterans for the poor treatment and lack of acknowledgement they received as he marked the 50th anniversary of the end of Australia's role in the war.

"We honour you, we thank you and we are so sorry it took us so long as a nation to do so," the Prime Minister said.

"You deserve better. Let us begin here with this formal acknowledgement in the national parliament."

The launch of the medallions continues the Australian Government’s recognition of the 50th anniversary of the end of Australia’s involvement in the Vietnam War throughout 2023, culminating in a national commemorative service on Vietnam Veterans’ Day, 18 August 2023.

The Prime Minister presented medallions to a group of Vietnam veterans at a special event on 29 March 2023, saying, “This year, as we mark 50 years since the role of Australian troops in the hostilities in Vietnam came to a close, let us acknowledge your service and sacrifice.

“Your experiences during and after the war are a powerful reminder of the sacrifices made by those who have served our country and the debt of gratitude we owe each and every one of you.

“These medallions are a small but meaningful way to honour your service - to recognise the sacrifice of those who never returned home, and of those who did, and endure the scars of service.” said Mr Albanese.

The medallions are available to all Australian men and women who served in Vietnam, and can be applied for by Vietnam War veterans, widows of veterans and other family members of veterans.

To apply for the 50th anniversary commemorative medallion and certificate of recognition, please visit


Read the full media statement here


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